As your Cafeteria Plan administrator, GGA would like to share a few key points to remember when submitting your FSA and/or DCA claims.

In accordance with HIPAA recommendations, and, in an effort to protect the personal health information contained in your Reimbursement Request Form(s) and supporting documentation, we strongly recommend submitting your claims in one of the following secure methods.

How to Submit a Claim

  • Online – Login to the participant portal by clicking the FSA Login button in the upper right-hand corner. Then, go to the “My Accounts” tab and select Submit Claims. If you have not already done so, please take the time to register. Below is a video that will show you how to submit a claim online.
  • Fax – Please fax a copy of a signed claim form along with the proper documentation to (844) 859-7308.

Benefits of Using the Online Participant Portal

A few of the benefits of utilizing the participant portal include:

  • Access to up-to-date account balances
  • Ability to submit and review claims
  • View time-sensitive emails regarding your transactions (these can be found under the “Communications” tab)
  • View your transaction history and status (approved, pending, or denied)
  • Add/Update Direct Deposit information, if offered by your employer
  • Upload Receipts for pending debit card transactions, if debit cards are offered by your employer
  • Ability to update your address and email address
  • View important plan year dates like the last day you can submit claims or the last day you can incur expenses

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